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  • Are worms normal or not in humans? Causes of the appearance, symptoms, when to go to the doctor, folk remedies, prevention.
    26 December 2023
  • Protecting a child from infection with worms seems to be an almost impossible task. This is due to the nature of worms and their infection mechanism. Let's consider the main causes of helminth infection, their types, as well as folk and traditional methods of treatment.
    18 December 2023
  • How to get rid of worms at home. Advantages and disadvantages of folk remedies. The best home recipes for tinctures and decoctions for worms in the body. Two recipes for enemas against parasites. As a means of controlling dietary worms.
    10 December 2023
  • Types, causes and symptoms of worms. Diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention of helminthiasis.
    2 December 2023
  • Worms in humans: causes and ways of infection, symptoms and signs, methods of treatment and preventive measures.
    25 October 2023
  • Causes and symptoms of helminths in the human body. Prevention of parasitic infections with the help of drugs and folk remedies.
    21 June 2022
  • The most common types of helminths that enter the human body. How to treat such parasites, and most importantly, how to recognize their presence in the body by symptoms?
    30 May 2022
  • worms. How to get rid of folk methods. Recipes for fighting worms - parasites. Tips and tricks. Prevention of helminthic infestations.
    23 May 2022
  • Appearance causes, detection methods and methods of removing parasites from the human body.
    23 May 2022
  • Effective drugs against parasites in the human body are drugs with a broad and directed spectrum of action, herbs, plants with anthelmintic properties, antiparasitic drugs.
    22 May 2022
  • To identify parasites in the human body, it is enough to consult a doctor who will prescribe a number of laboratory and hardware studies. Find out what symptoms and diseases indicate the presence of worms in the body. 3 stages of treatment of parasitic infection.
    22 May 2022
  • Parasites are protozoa - single-celled microorganisms that cause dangerous diseases in humans. Protozoal infections are contagious, have serious consequences, and require timely treatment.
    22 May 2022
  • Types of parasites under human skin. Dangerous symptoms of helminthiasis and their treatment. Types of worms, prevention of helminthic diseases.
    26 February 2022
  • Types of parasites, signs of infection and signs of the presence of parasites in the body. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of helminthiasis.
    17 August 2021
  • Cleanse the body of parasites with folk remedies at home. Different ways to clean the intestines from different types of helminths.
    11 July 2021
  • What worms look like. Removal of worms from the body. Home treatment of helminths in children and pregnant women. Prevention.
    11 July 2021
  • Parasitic infestations are especially common in homes with pets. What are the remedies against worms?
    14 June 2021
  • Types of helminths living in humans and methods of helminth infection. Helminths: symptoms of infection. Research for helminths.
    3 June 2021
  • Parasites in the body are unpleasant and even dangerous to health. How to get rid of worms? What is the most effective treatment?
    2 June 2021
  • The diet should include plenty of greens, vegetables and herbs that have an antiparasitic effect. Plants that remove parasites from the body, let's talk about them.
    2 June 2021
  • More than 60 different types of parasites can inhabit different body systems. This plant will help get rid of the smallest protozoan parasites, fungi and bacteria from helminth eggs.
    2 June 2021
  • It is not enough to take pharmacy pills to get rid of parasites in the body. Doctors themselves say that sometimes it is ineffective. My way.
    2 June 2021